This is part two of last week's Mammoth games. I managed to squeeze in two test games with the Mammoth, trying him with 2 different casters. Following the Lord Assassin, we have Lord Tyrant Hexeris. pHexeris is a neat caster, and one I feel like I haven't been using enough lately. He was my second caster right after pMorghoul battlebox games, and was a favorite for a long time. eHex kind of stole the spotlight for a while, but pHex has some awesome answers to some hard matchups, particularly eGaspy.
This game was against one of our local Menoth players, though lately he's been playing around with Retribution, along with a bit of Skorne on the side. This week he had his Ret, and was playing with an interesting Garryth list. Since we both at least own models from both Skorne and Ret, we both knew each others tricks and stats... for the most part
My List
* Mammoth
* Krea
* Gladiator
* Razor Worm
Max swordsmen + ua
Totem Hunter